Since 1985, we have seen more than 10,000 disabled. Narasaraopet is the divisional headquarter. In Guntur district there are 57 mandals. In these mandals the state government appointed 57 Resource teachers. They are specially trained in teaching mentally retardated, hearing impaired, blind and physical problems. In their survey they have found 20 thousand disabled in the small urban and rural villages.
Integrated High school made a plan to meet towards the needs of the 57 mandals in 5 years. Now we are covering up to 8 mandals to help the handicapped children there with the co-operation of the Resource teachers working in those villages.
Up to now the centre has conducted more than 150 polio and C.P children operations, provided more than 1200 calipers to the needy children, given out more than 500 tricycles and 400 wheel chairs. 20 hearing aids and 300 special equipments were provided to the needy children.
10 batches of 10th class children appeared for the exams, more than 150 children went for further education.We are very proud to say many of our old students did MBA, MCA, engineers. Many students became teachers, nurses and other different jobs.
Many of our staff also got Government jobs. In the 57 Resource teachers, more than 20 members sponsored from our Institution for special education, they are now working for the Government.
We have conducted more than 250 medical camps in the villages, more than 5,000 children got medical certificates, Railway passes, bus passes, scholarships etc.